Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tree of Life

It occurred to me several months ago that the spaces i use the most should be the most beautiful. the laundry room, the basement, the kitchen sink, etc. I mean, if i'm going to pass by the same wall fourteen times a day, or walk up and down the same 16 steps shouldn't they be wonderful and inspiring? So, i've recently added some beauty to the basement entry by painting a whimsical tree that branches out onto two walls at the bottom of the steps. This is our main entry from the garage so i see this wall a million times a day. I mod podged a bunch of  scripture leaves that i cut from some pocket devotionals. The paper and text in the booklets was pretty, but they were just sitting on the book shelf. It was a great way to get daily use from these old devotionals. Plus, i didn't have to design or print anything out. Check it out:

I love this tree. It restores my soul every time i walk through this area. I can pause for 2-3 seconds and read from one of the leaves and feel refreshed in spirit. It's aesthetically pleasing as well and it fills what would otherwise be dead space. 
I've seen tree decals available on line and in buy everything you need and want stores. So if you don't want to paint one freehand, you could apply the decal and just add your own scripture leaves. You could also hire me to come over and paint it for you:) The leaves could also be made from any kind of brochure, greeting card, or magazine that has scripture used in it. Just cut it out in a leaf shape that suits your fancy and glue/seal it to the wall using the mod podge. Happy wall tree making!

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